Hello again. Been a while.
Weightloss - hmm - up a quarter-pound this week, but down six over the last couple of weeks, so very much swings and wossnames.
Floyd - Unff...still stuck like a lichen on The Wall.
Poetry - developing ideas and poems.
Done a couple of things since I last wrote which could have been on the list, but weren't. Written my first comedy song - Counting Down To Capaldimas. Not actually that funny, if I'm honest, but did put it together between London Paddington and Reading railway stations, so happy enough with it.
Also been introduced to the sharp end of the world of acupuncture. And (waves hand in a vague manner) chiropractic.
d was keen to explore, and found herself a chiropractor, and quickly, as we chuckled between ourselves (the nights fair drawing in and so on), became something of a crack-whore. And last Saturday, I went with her, and cracked up myself. The acupuncture bit was barely noticeable, if I'm honest, but have now had two chiropractic sessions. Have to say at this point the guy who I've seen is very scientific about the whole thing - all talk of spinal this and muscular that and neurons and the like, none of your auras and chakras and suchlike codswallop and flim-flam. In fact, we had quite a long chat about it before he ever laid hands on my spine.
Will say, in the immediate aftermath, one feels remarkably invigorated - though truth be told, I'm not sure how much of that is genuine medical benefit and how much is mental gratitude that one's spine is no longer being manipulated against its will. Am due to go back there Saturday coming, but in all honesty, not sure I'll go - the one thing about it all that makes me a little disturbed is that he determines when he'll see me next, and three sessions in a week is not bloomin' cheap. Not sure the momentary relief of having my neck wrung is worth money I'm not really sure I have to spare (Christmas, and all that...). So we'll see.
This morning though I face a dilemma. Came down to Cardiff to my Starbucks substitute to work, only to discover, two de-caff lattes in, that their bathroom is up the spout for the day. So now, what to do? Wander the streets, pee somewhere else and come back? Go home, to be serenaded by the delightful chorus of next-door's bathroom being refitted?
My Starbucks is just there - about 25 paces away. With coffee and wifi and toilets, oh my.
Unff...while of course there's a reasonable logic behind the Starbucks veto, it's not exactly changing my habits (says he, from a local coffee shop) - only, really, where my money goes. And it's right there...